About me

Corentin DUMAS

Nationality : FRENCH

14 000 CAEN - FRANCE

+336 67 20 94 53


Car licence B


3 years (from SEPTEMBER 2020 to end of AUGUST 2023) 

Materials and Mechanical Engineer

ENSICAEN - Caen, Normandy

 Main subjects : Metallurgy / Mechanical design

Current project : Behaviour analysis of gears during ageing testing

2018 - 2020 

DUT Mechanical and Production Engineering

IUT of Bourges (18) - Academy Orléans Tours

Project completed : Trailer adaptable to all sizes of bicycle 

2015 - 2018

Scientific Baccalaureate, Engineering Sciences

Pierre Émile Martin High School - Bourges (18)

Project completed: automated mini greenhouse 


3 years (from september 2020 to end of august 2023)

Apprentice R&D automotive engineering internal product control

Company : VALEO - FRANCE Mondeville (14)

Internal product improved, measurement tools adapted and created. Steering wheel behavior in thermal stress with hands-on detection modelized.

3 months (in summer period of 2022)

Internship abroad R&D automotive engineering internal product control

Company : VALEO - GERMANY Bietigheim-Bissingen (74321)

Standard technologies improved :

  • Force sensor by Computer Aided Design (Catia) -> 3D model + Drawing
  • Vibration motor with a file conversion software

Summer 2016 - 2017 - 2018

Language courses

London, England / Valletta, Malta

Learning English - Discovering Anglo-Saxon culture

Preparer & handler

Company : Guilmot-Gaudais and Intermarché - Cher (18)

Order picker for food products on pallets in a cold store. Labelling in the shelves.  


Languages  :

English : B2

Driving licences : 

AM, B1, B 

Software knowledge : 


Automotive sector 


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