Face Shield Anti COVID-19

A project that I realized alone and that was very important to me in this period of pandemic. Indeed, there are simpler and more economical ways to make anti-spill masks. My goal was to finalize a design that could be adapted to a headband from the board game Devine-Tête.

Objective of this project :

To design a system that can be adapted to an object from a board game. First, I modeled the blue headband with the exact dimensions of reality. Then I designed two parts: the pivot support and the notched pivot. I thought of them in such a way that they could be manufactured but also assembled and disassembled.

Software used  :

Inventor (Suite Autodesk)

Total personal time spent on the project : 

around 8 hours

Results :

To carry out a project being alone and without personal assistance as we could have with our speakers at school. To carry out an innovative and current design.

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